OLIVE OIL IN COOKING® goes for seconds through social media and finger food challenges
The project that, thanks to competence and creativity of the young future chefs, wants to promote and spread the culture of extra virgin olive oil in Italy and worldwide, celebrates the second year with a double challenge, all to taste.
SPOLETO – Creating, expressing, promoting and spreading culture of the “Prince of the Mediterranean Diet” in Italy and all around the world are the keywords of Olive Oil in Cooking 2015 edition, the project that has been invented and created by Pietro Coricelli Spa in cooperation with the Cooking Institute of Spoleto in order to talk to the general public about peculiarities of this precious product.
For this ambitious task Pietro Coricelli Spa has chosen schools once again, in order to let teenagers, young fledgeling chefs, express their creativity, realizing new recipes with olive oil as the protagonist element.
Many changes this year, starting from the name of the theme chosen for both our Contest as well as the National one.
The challenge among the Cooking Institutes throughout all of Italy (last year students of Michelangelo Buonarruoti Institute from Fiuggi (FR) won the challenge with the dessert “Fettuccine with artichokes mousse on a strawberries velvet sauce”) will show, indeed, the young chefs struggling with Finger Food – hence the name “Tales on finger-tips” – in order to value extra virgin olive oil uses, combining its tastes and aromas in various recipes.
The finale, scheduled for March, 27th here in Spoleto, will take place in the presence of this sector’s experts and for the first time ever two international special guests are expected: a Cooking Institute “Zespol Szkol nr2 W Szczytnie” from Poland and the “Tsaritsino » directly from Moscow, Russia, so as to promote the exchange among culinary cultures of different Countries.
However, the real innovation will be brought by “G. De Carolis” High School students of Spoleto, who beginning from February will face each other in a “social” cooking challenge within Pietro Coricelli Facebook page. Students of three final year classes, who have already had the chance to know our Company thanks to guided tours and training days, from this month will start developing their own recipes based on the theme “Revaluation of ethnic recipes”.
Who obtains more “likes” will be given the chance of attending the Anuga Exhibition, the world’s most important Food&Beverage sector event, that takes place every two years in Cologne, (Germany). The winning student will be the protagonist of an out-and-out show cooking inside the Company’s booth and also present in future events organized following the same theme.
Hence, an important opportunity for the students to show their culinary performances to an expert audience.
(The awards ceremony will occur in parallel with that of the Contest on March, 27th 2015).
According to Pietro Coricelli Company collaboration with schools is just the beginning. Olive Oil in Cooking continues being a large-scale effort project in order to try communicating the potential of extra virgin olive oil, by using languages and expressions closer to consumers and, above all, more stimulating for those who do not know so well this product.
Do you want to know more about it? Participate at the contest voting your favourite recipe on https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pietro-Coricelli/155758024497608?ref=hl and follow the events by Pietro Coricelli – Olive Oil in Cooking.
For further information and materials: Arianna Giontella – +39 0743232825 - arianna.giontella@coricelli.com